DynaScan Blog
Posted on February 19, 2018 by Scott Pickus
Thank you for visiting us at ISE 2018!

We want to thank everyone that made it to Amsterdam and stopped by our booth at ISE 2018!
We had a lot to show off this year! We unveiled a 100-inch Premium Indoor LCD and 85-inch Semi-Outdoor LCD with integrated Android™ media players. We introduced a unique 55″ 3000 nit/1000 nit free-standing double-sided display and introduced the all-new ‘DO’ Outdoor LCD Series featuring IP56 weather resistance, IK10 vandal resistance, and brightness levels as high as 4000 nits. For an overview of everything we exhibited at the show, be sure to see our videos below!
Couldn’t make it to ISE? Be sure to see us next month as we head to Las Vegas for Digital Signage Expo!
New products will be coming to www.dynascan.com soon. Stay tuned!