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Posted on October 31, 2017 by Scott Pickus
A1 Stuns Passersby with Augmented Reality Bus Shelter Advertising
In early 2017, Si.mobil, Telekom Austria Group's subsidiary in Slovenia, transformed into A1 Slovenija to consolidate the Group's Austrian subsidiary. The company chose JCDecaux to strengthen their market position. To highlight this new beginning and convey the brand's inspiring larger-than-life attitude, advertising agency Grey Ljubljana worked with system integrator Europlakat JCDecaux Slovenia to position A1 Slovenija as a spark that lights up the imagination and creates real experiences with the slogan, "A1. The start of something amazing." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEWSfCS8_fI The launch was supported by a special city light on the busiest promenade in the center of the capital. It featured elements from the TVC
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